Churn App


The practice of churning (signing up for credit cards strictly for the large signup points bonuses to apply to premium travel, hotel stays, and cash back opportunities) requires discipline and often a personal spread sheet to manage all of your past and current cards. The problem I have encountered is in managing a cumbersome spreadsheet that is hard to read on mobile devices, a pain to set calendar reminders and in keeping up with ever increasing new credit card offers.


In order to solve this problem I have developed an app/service that would not require users to enter any account access details, but input simple information for example: date of signup, bonus point amount, yearly fee, date planned to close, date closed, etc. This app will be very user-friendly, easy to read by associating  images of the card for quicker interaction with the card information, and provide notifications/calendar reminders based off the user’s entered data. With machine learning, information like new card offers and eligibility requirements, can be pulled from card issuers sites and served up to the user. 


After some user research and user testing the hierarchy of user-entered data has been revised to make it simpler and quicker to add cards to the user’s inventory (wallet). Through the process of developing this concept, it became apparent that a commercial business opportunity may be achievable, while providing a great service to the global credit card “points” community. It may be possible to monetize the app through a subscription service model, premium placement ad space available to banks to promote their new products, as well as affiliate status directing users to a new card application.


Michael Hardy | 34 | Freelance Writer

As a freelance writer I have the flexibility to travel with the points I have accumulated through credit cards. I currently keep a detailed spreadsheet on my computer to track my cards, and manually set calendar reminders for bonus deadlines and card cancellation dates. I see the benefit of having an app that tracks and automatically sends notifications, as well as being easy to use on the go. This app would simply my life immeasurably. 


Jessica Nunn | 38 | Sr UX Designer | Single parent

I was recently introduced into using credit cards as a way of flying around the world for free. I couldn’t be happier, as I have flown twice to Europe and once to Hawaii for free so far. There is a catch though. I ended up with lots of credit cards with amazing rewards, but it soon became overwhelming to keep track of all of the annual fees and the benefits that come with each card. I’ve been told I should start an Excel spreadsheet, but I can’t tell you how much I hate Excel, and I don’t have the spare time. I use my laptop only for work and my desktop I barely touch. Probably 90% of the time I try to get everything done on my smartphone. So, once I heard about Churn, I got super excited. I need this app, badly. I want to be able to take control of my award points and credit cards with the device that I use constantly throughout my day. Excel is complicated to use. Churn has a very small learning curve and is super practical, easy and intuitive to use. It will be a game changer for me in how I manage my reward credit cards.