Auto Loan Page Redesign
Redesign the current page to have the same look and feel of the new USAA brand. Create an experience that enlightens members about the other benefits and ways USAA can help with car owner ship. Simplified the experience that reduces friction, removal of unnecessary information. USAA members are not aware of potential savings opportunities like the USAA CAR BUYING SERVICE. Create emphasis and exposer to potential savings opportunities like the car buying service.
The top banner is updated with lifestyle imagery to lead into the rate cards. I’ve moved the convenience facts and icons to the top as I feel its important to show the added value of USAA auto loan service and emphasize the easy of use. I wanted to simplify and declutter the rate cards to make them more readable. The legal footnotes are moved to the corresponding loan categories for less confusion. The “Car Buying Service” is expanded from a text link to a main service section with benefits cards. The Dealership comparison is also expanded to key benefits cards were as the “Helpful Auto Tips” is condensed to a banner linking to the helpful tips page to minimize information overload. The “Protect your purchase” section is omitted as this is a post purchase item and doesn’t fit in the loan information and generation phase.